NS: Better Men or Just Shag? SG Redditors Sound Off

Eh, you ever wonder if NS really transforms you into a better person, or just leaves you feeling shag and sian? Singaporean Redditors are having a real talk about this, and the answers are more complicated than you might think. Let’s see what they’re saying.

Makan Kakis’ Key Takeaways (Reddit Insights)

  • NS is a Mixed Bag: Many feel NS is a waste of time, with some even saying it made them worse. One Redditor said, “If turning from boys to men means turning from feeling joy to hoping you were dead every hour of the day, then absolutely.”
  • Sacrifice vs. Privilege: The debate over whether NS is a sacrifice or a privilege is still hot. As one comment puts it, “the government would just admit that it’s a sacrifice, things would change for the better. however, they refuse to use that word and instead claim it’s a ‘privilege’ and ‘life changing’”.
  • Loss of Innocence and Motivation: Several users mentioned losing innocence and feeling demotivated due to NS. A Redditor shared, “Army has made me lost my motivation and become lazier.” Some feel disconnected from society after their service.
  • Not a Universal Experience: Experiences vary widely. Some found it made them more mature and appreciative, while others found it traumatic. A few Redditors highlighted that “NS is what you make of it” and that a positive mindset is important.
  • Questionable Leadership and Morale: There are serious concerns about poor leadership and low morale. Many felt that their efforts were not recognized and that they were treated unfairly. One user stated, “the least they could do is foster a sense of purpose for us to look forward to, and not dread coming in everyday.”

SG Context: The Latest Updates & What It Means For You

While the core debate about NS’s impact remains, it’s important to remember it’s a mandatory part of life for Singaporean men. The Defence Minister has acknowledged NS as a sacrifice (a Facebook post by Ng Eng Hen was referenced from 0ldarmyveteran), although this contrasts with the usual rhetoric. Recent discussions show no signs of major policy changes, so understanding the possible impact of NS on your life is crucial for Singaporean males.

Real Talk from the Ground: Singaporean Experiences on Reddit

Here’s what some Singaporeans are really saying about NS:

from being oblivious and naive to being hateful and awoke yes.


Waste of time only. Some no change, some became more hateful towards women and foreigners, some bear grudges towards their sergeants, some got traumatised for life


NS only give me bad experiences and nothing positive contributed to my life. Yes sacrifice , experience is like in prison to be honest


I really do believe that a large part of how you experience NS, is up to you…Gotta find hope where there’s hope to be found, because the darker the place, the brighter even the dimmest light will shine… as cringe as that sounds lol.


Its showed me what a blessed life I have and made me realised that I should be more mindful in regards to spending my time.


These diverse views show that NS is far from a one-size-fits-all experience. It highlights the importance of personal mindset and unit environment.

Chiong Ah! Your Practical Action Plan for Singaporeans

So, what can you do? Here’s the lowdown:

  • Manage Expectations: Don’t go in expecting a life-changing, positive experience. Be prepared for the possibility of challenges and frustrations.
  • Find Your Purpose: Even if the work seems meaningless, try to find something to focus on, whether it’s learning new skills or helping others.
  • Focus on What You Can Control: You can’t change everything, but you can control your attitude and how you react to situations.
  • Build a Support System: Connect with your bunkmates and friends, and lean on them for support. Sharing your experiences can help you cope.
  • Prepare for Post-NS Life: Don’t let NS derail your future plans. Start thinking about your next steps, whether it’s further education, a career, or travel.

Ultimately, NS is a reality for Singaporean men. By understanding the diverse experiences and preparing for potential challenges, you can navigate this period and focus on what’s next. Jiayou!

Source: Does NS really change u to become a better person? From boys to men?