CS1010: Is It Really THAT Scary? SG Reddit Weighs In

Thinking of taking CS1010 at NUS? Or maybe you’re already in the thick of it and wondering if it’s just you? Reddit Singapore is buzzing about this infamous course, and we’ve dived deep to bring you the real talk. Is it truly as tough as they say, or is it all just ‘uni life’?

Makan Kakis’ Key Takeaways (Reddit Insights)

  • Steep Learning Curve: Many Singaporean students find CS1010 a massive jump, especially those without prior coding experience. As one redditor put it, “It was and still is the course with the steepest learning curve for me.”
  • Independent Learning is Key: Expect less spoon-feeding and more self-discovery. “You don’t get good in coding by just blindly following what is taught in lecture,” says one commenter. You gotta learn to read the documentation yourself, bro!
  • PEs are the Real Test: Programming Exercises (PEs) are where the real challenge lies. They’re often inspired by platforms like Leetcode, meaning you need more than just lecture knowledge. One user shared, “The questions in the PEs are sometimes inspired by leetcode/kattis eg. and those who actively spam those or have prior experience will thrive.”
  • Time Crunch is Real: Many struggle to complete PEs and exams within the time limits, even with open-book formats. “Everyone came out of exam hall arguing if the TAs and even instructor who set the exam could finish the entire exam under that 2-hr time limit,” one student lamented.
  • Bell Curve Saves Lives: Despite claims, grades are moderated to a certain extent. So, even if you feel like you’re struggling, you’re probably not alone. “Thankfully they’ve the bell curve to save everyone,” said one commenter.

SG Context: The Latest Updates & What It Means For You

CS1010 isn’t just some random course; it’s a rite of passage for many aspiring tech professionals in Singapore. It’s often the first taste of real coding challenges at university level and a crucial module for many computing and engineering courses. While the course content might vary slightly (e.g., CS1010E using Python, CS1010S using another language), the core challenges of independent learning and time management remain consistent across the variants.

Recent trends suggest an increasing emphasis on practical application and problem-solving. This means that rote learning won’t cut it. You have to learn to think like a coder, and that takes time and effort.

Real Talk from the Ground: Singaporean Experiences on Reddit

“This paper is giving me PTSD. Graduated 15 years ago and i swear CS1010E was the hardest paper i ever took. Legit almost sat down to cry at the end. Left half the paper blank, and the other half filled with blind panic. Somehow still managed to pass.”


“As a TA for CS1010: There are technically solutions provided to the students. It’s covered in the lab slides by the TAs…In uni its also less guided, the TAs and lecturers won’t be able to spoonfeed you.”


“CS1010 and its variants are the best litmus test for whether you’re gonna succeed in CS Major. If you don’t have the passion or talent or grit for this module, you’re gonna struggle for the rest of the journey too.”


These quotes highlight the mixed experiences Singaporean students have with CS1010. Some find it incredibly challenging and even traumatic, while others see it as a crucial learning experience. It’s clear that the course demands a lot, and you can’t expect to coast through it.

Chiong Ah! Your Practical Action Plan for Singaporeans

  • Start Early: If you’re planning to take CS1010, start learning basic programming concepts and Python before the semester begins. Don’t wait till the first lecture!
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Don’t just rely on lectures and tutorials. Work on coding exercises and past year papers. Leetcode and Kattis can be your best friend.
  • Engage with TAs and Profs: Don’t be shy to ask questions. The teaching team is there to help, but you need to take the initiative.
  • Find a Study Group: Collaborate with your classmates. Working together can help you understand concepts better.
  • Manage Your Time: CS1010 is a time-sink. Plan your schedule carefully and don’t leave everything to the last minute.
  • Don’t Panic: It’s a tough course, but it’s not impossible. Remember that the bell curve is there to help. Just keep pushing!

Ultimately, CS1010 is a challenging but potentially rewarding experience. It’s a test of your grit, determination, and ability to learn independently. So, chiong ah, and good luck!

Source: Is CS1010 as scary as what is described here?